
Thursday, November 24, 2011


Welcome to See it & Create it.  Brought to you from the creators of {KreativebyKM}

Before you start reading please answer a few questions.
  1. Have you ever seen something and wanted to create it?
  2. Do you see random objects and think "That is so cool...what could I create out of that?"
  3. Or what about looking at something someone made and thinking "I could make it this way too..."?
Whether you answered yes to any of these questions or not, I am happy to have you reading. I answered yes to all three of these.  This keeps my mind going 24.7.  Is it exhausting?  At times, absolutely, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  It stems into all aspect of my life.

So here it goes...the launching of putting my creating "on paper".  The goal is for this to be an on-line "sketch book" for you to browse and figure out how to make things, tweak them to work for you and keep creating.

My challenge to you? See it & Create it

KristenMarie {km}